StreamWork is a powerful productivity platform for creative assets. Watch 5 videos to help you get started.
When you first access StreamWork, you'll land in the dashboard. Here you can access tasks assigned to you, creative you’ve been invited to review, and all recently opened assets.
To get started:
- Click “Upload” or drag & drop an asset into StreamWork.
- Assign the asset to a campaign or create a new one.
- Name the campaign, then define access.
- Hit “upload” to add the asset to the campaign.
You can create workspaces for every department, client or team — you decide how to set-up StreamWork.
To create a workspace:
- Select the “+” button.
- Invite anyone to join the workspace.
- Select a role for each person you invite.
- Click the workspace name to update any time.
Organize videos, images and more into campaigns and folders. Stack versions to keep things tidy.
To set-up a campaign:
- Click “Campaign info” to draft or upload a creative brief.
- Invite anyone — in your org or not — to join a campaign.
- Click on an asset to start collaborating.
Collaboration & Approvals
Collaborate on any asset. When you’re ready, route for approval.
To collaborate on an asset:
- Click on any asset.
- To draw on the asset, select the stars icon.
- Start typing in the comment box to leave feedback. You can even turn a comment into a task.
- Click “Route for approvals” to route for stakeholder approval.
Task management
Track tasks across workspaces, campaigns and assets.
To create tasks:
- Head to the Campaigns → task tab.
- Select “+ Task group” to organize tasks by group.
- Select “+ Add task” to create a task.
- Set due dates, assignees and priority.