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  2. Approval routing

How do you create an approval routing stage?

Approval routing stages are an easy way to streamline how you collect approvals on a creative asset.

To create an approval routing stage:

1. Click on any creative asset thumbnail to open it in the Media Viewer.

2. Select the approval routing icon in the top right corner of the Media Viewer.

3. The approval routing builder will pop-up and you will see a brand new stage is open. The stage is named "Name approval routing stage" but you can rename it anything (ex. Marketing review).

4. Set a due date for all decisions in the stage to be submitted.

5. Next, add reviewers (i.e. stakeholders) to weigh-in by typing in their username or email. Given this is the Marketing review stage, you will most likely add Marketing reviewers.

7. Choose reviewer permissions.

To learn more about the permissions available for reviewers, check out this Help Center article.

8. Next, determine which reviewers need to weigh-in with a decision in order for the stage to be considered final. You have a number of decision options to choose from:

  • All decisions: This means every reviewer added to the approval stage must provide a decision in order for the stage to be considered complete
  • Select decisions: This means select reviewers need to provide a decision in order for the approval stage to be considered final. When you select individual reviewer name(s), the stage won't be completed until that reviewer has provided a decision.

Note: Decisions per stage are calculated on the decision parameters you set in the "Stage is completed when" field. If you select "All decisions" then all reviewers in the stage must submit a decision before the final stage decision is determined. If you select just one or two individual reviewers from the list, then the final stage decision will be determined when those reviewers provide a decision (regardless of how many other reviewers are included in the stage).


Important: If all required decisions are submitted by the due date, a final decision will automatically be calculated based on the criteria outlined in the “Decision logic.” If all or a few required decisions are not submitted by the due date, a final decision will not be calculated. Reviewers would then need to be reminded to submit their feedback.

9. If you would like to take advantage of advance approval routing settings, select the "Approval settings" tab. In here, you have the option to add a password or custom invite message. 

Note: If you create a password, make sure to share it with any reviewers you invite to review the asset to ensure they can access the link. If you add a custom invite message, keep in mind this message will be sent to all reviewers added to a stage.

10. Last, you can select upload settings. This is a more advanced feature that enables you to control what happens if someone uploads a new version of an asset while approval routing of an earlier version is already in progress.

Learn how to take advantage of Approval routing upload settings in this Help Center article.

11. Once your stage is complete, choose if you'd like to add additional stages. If yes, select the button "+ Add new stage" in the lower left corner of the approval routing builder.

12. To open or collapse stages, simply click the grey row the stage name lives in. This provides you with a bird's eye view of all the stages.

13. When all stages are set up, select "route" to kick-off approval routing. When you select route, review links will be sent to all reviewer in stage 1 first. Once the final decision for stage 1 is calculated, links will be sent to stage 2 reviewers and so on in sequence. You can pause or edit approval routing at anytime.