How do I add a contributor to a campaign?

Easily add people outside of your organization - including agencies, contractors, clients and more - to join campaigns as contributors.

To add a contributor (i.e. external vendor, contractor, client, etc) to a campaign:

1. Go to the “Campaigns” tab in the main navigation, and then select “All campaigns.” 


2. Once inside of the campaign, click on “Campaign information” in the top right corner.

3. Once in the campaign information window, you will see four tabs: Details, Members, Shared links, Settings.

4. Click on the “Members” tab, and you will see a list of all people currently invited to your campaign. If the campaign is shared, everyone in your workspace will have access. If your campaign is private, only specific people you invite to the campaign will have access.

5. To invite a contributor, click the blue “Invite contributor” button. You can invite anyone inside or outside your organization to be a contributor. Enter their email to invite them to the campaign. You have the option to include a personalized message in the email.

Note: Contributors collaborate directly on campaigns with team members, which means they are considered a paid seat in StreamWork (similar to a member). Each time a contributor is added to a campaign, your organization will be charged the cost of an additional subscription seat in StreamWork, same as you would if an additional member were added. You can add or remove contributors at anytime. If you have questions, reach out to

6. Set campaign-specific permissions for all contributors in the campaign in the "Settings" tab. You can choose whether a contributor invited to the campaign is able to download files, invite other contributors or share external links. Learn more about Contributor settings in this Help Center article.

Note: When you invite a contributor to a campaign, they will have access to all assets in the campaign with the exception of those assets stored in a private folder.

Contributors only have access to the campaign they are invited to, they do not have access to any other campaigns (including creative assets, tasks, approvals, etc) in the workspace.